• Basic Food Waste Reduction Fact Sheet for Businesses

• Sample Business Recordkeeping Template for Food Donations, Animal Feed, and Composting
Humboldt food recovery, compost collection services, and farms that take animal feed are also developing systems to make required record keeping convenient. As you work with them over time, they will be in contact with you or you can reach out to them.

• Restaurant Food Management & Waste Audit

• Food Waste Reduction Presentation for SBDC Clients (2021)

Food Waste Prevention

Reducing food waste saves money and resources by reducing your purchasing, handling, disposal and energy costs. Additionally, your business can receive tax benefits from donating edible food to local food banks and other food rescue organizations.

• Train and update employees on food waste reduction.
• Assess and track what food is being wasted.
• Choose the best waste reduction strategy for the opportunities that exist at your facility.
• Adjust food purchasing policies to prevent excess food purchasing.
• Adjust menus to reduce frequently uneaten or wasted items.
• Adjust preparation methods and portion sizes to minimize waste.
• Store food properly to avoid spoilage.
• Repurpose leftovers.

Edible Food Rescue for People

• How to donate edible food safely, follow the CA Food Safety Code –time & temperature—and recordkeeping for tax-deductions

• Good Samaritan Laws: Legal protections for edible food donors
Your business can receive tax benefits from donating edible food to local food banks and other food rescue organizations. Always consultant with a CPA or your tax preparer.

• ZWH Comprehensive Edible Food Rescue Capacity Assessment Report for Cities of Arcata and Eureka (Nov 2021)

• Typical arrangement (e.g., 5-gallon buckets picked up 2 x weekly for a fee)

To request ZWH on-site waste prevention/reduction consultation and technical assistance email:zerowastehumboldt@gmail.com

Food Scraps for Farm Animals

Food Waste for Compost Soil Amendment

How to Reduce Food Waste with Local Compost Collection Services

• The Local Worm Guy – (707) 385-9676 – the localwormguy@gmail.com
Full Cycle Compost – (707) 633-9121 – fullcyclecompost707@gmail.com
North Coast Co–Op (Drop-off-Limited capacity) – Contact sustainability@northcoast.coop
Typical items accepted: vegetable & fruit scraps, bread, dairy, meat & bones, egg & other shells, tea bags, coffee grounds/filters, food soiled paper products, paper towel, and more.
Items NOT accepted: Grease, plastic, metal, glass, and other items.
Typical arrangement (e.g., 5-gallon buckets picked up 2 x weekly for a fee)

The typical arrangements include bucket or container size, frequency of collection, fee for service, quality control requirements.

Guide to Workplace Composting (KAB)

To request ZWH on-site waste prevention/reduction consultation and technical assistance email: zerowastehumboldt@gmail.com